Non-Cooperation : Gandhi & Kheda

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Prelude | Home Rule | Lucknow | Champaran | Ahmedabad | Kheda | Jallianwala | Khilafat | Boycott | Clothes | Chauri Chaurah | Mapilla | Akalis | Simon Commission | Bardoli | Purna Swaraj | Dandi | Second Stage | Gandhi-Irwin
The dispute in Ahmedabad had yet not ended when Gandhiji learnt that the peasants of Kheda district were in extreme distress due to failure of crops. Their appeals for the remission of land revenue were being ignored by the Government.

Enquiries by Vithal Bai Patel and Gandhiji conformed the validity of the peasants case. The Gujarat Sabha of which Gandhiji was the president played a leading role in the agitation. Gandhiji advised the peasant to withhold the payment of revenue.

Vallabh Bhai Patel, a young lawyer and a native of Kheda district and Indulal Yagnik joined Gandhiji in touring villages and urging peasants to stand firm in face of Government repression. However, Government agreed to suspend collection of land revenue and only those peasants who could afford were asked to pay.

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