Non-Cooperation : Home Rule Movement

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Prelude | Home Rule | Lucknow | Champaran | Ahmedabad | Kheda | Jallianwala | Khilafat | Boycott | Clothes | Chauri Chaurah | Mapilla | Akalis | Simon Commission | Bardoli | Purna Swaraj | Dandi | Second Stage | Gandhi-Irwin
Tilak's league furthered its propaganda efforts by publishing 6 Marathi and two English pamphlets, of which 47,000 copies were sold. As soon as the movement began to gain steam, the Government hit back, and it chose a particularly auspicious day for the blow. The 23rd of July, 1916, was Tilak's 60th birthday, a purse of Rs one lakh was presented to him.

Bal Gangadhar TilakThe same day Government slapped a show cause notice demanded security of Rs.60,000 for bad behaviour. Tilak was defended by a team of lawyers led by Md. Ali Jinnah. He lost the case in the magistrate court. But was exonerated by the High court in November. The victory was hailed all over the country.

Tilak immediately pushed home the advantage by proclaiming in his public speeches that Home Rule now had the sanction of the Government and soon intensified his propaganda campaign. By April, 1917, Tilak had enlisted 14,000 members. Meanwhile, Annie Besant had gone ahead with the formal founding of her league in September 1916. 200 branches of Besant's league were established. Most of her work was carried out by her lieutenants Arundale, C.P.Ramaswamy Ayyar, and B.P.Wadia. By March 1917, her league had 7000 members including Jawaharlal Nehru in Allahabad and B.Chakravarti and J.Bannerji in Calcutta.

The main thrust of the activity was directed towards building up an agitation around the demand for Home Rule. This was to be achieved by promoting political education and discussion. Many moderate Congressmen who were dissatisfied with the inactivity in the Congress joined the Home Rule agitation.

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