British : Problems in South

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East India Company | French | Plassey | Anglo-French | Dupleix | Bengal | Buxar | Warren Hastings | South | Permanent Settlement | Tipu | 18th Century | Anarchy | Anglo-Maratha | Revolts | Sanyasi Vidroh | Others Revolts
While the Maratha war was in progress a fresh crisis arose in the south as the result of the follies of the Madras government. The affairs of Madras had long been in disorder; one unneccssary war with Hyder Ali's Mysore had been provoked in 1769.

In 1776 Lord Pigot, the defender of Madras against the French, who had been sent back to carry out reforms, was arrested by his own Council and died in captivity the following year. The Madras government by its tactlessness then induced a coalition of the usually hostile Marathas, the Nizam of Hyderabad, and Hyder Ali of Mysore, without preparing any means for meeting it.

In 1780 the Carnatic was overrun to the walls at Madras and two armies defeated. Hastings then rose to his full stature. With the Bombay war still on his hands he suspended the Madras governor, poured in supplies and troops with his best general. In a year he restored the situation and then detached first the Nizam and then the Marathas.

Thus strengthened he was able to meet the threat of the French fleet under the gallant de Suffren and the landing of a French force under de Bussy. Haidar died in 1782 and peace was concluded with his son Tipu at Mangalore in 1784.

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