British : The Battle of Plassey

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Can any army defeat its opponent having a numerical strength and fire power 20 times greater than its? The obvious answer would be no. But if you turn around the pages of Indian History, Battle of Plassey proves otherwise.

Battle of Plassey On 23rd June, 1757 both the armies of Bengal's Nawab Sirajudaulah & British East India Company stood face to face with each other in Plassey. Nawab's forces were lead by his trusted lieutenant Mir Madan whereas the British Forces were led by Robert Clive.

Clive's British troops consisted of 800 European, 2000 Indian and 200 Artillery men. Whereas Nawab was leading a 50,000 strong army with 53 canons. On the other hand Clive had only six pounder and two howitzer class canons.

Looking at the figures it seemed that Nawab was in a far more stronger position than Clive but Nawab also had Mir Jafar, who betrayed at a time when the battle was poised for a interesting turn.

Overnight rainfall had made the Nawab's artillery unfit for use. So Mir Madan thinking that Clive's artillery would too be in the same state attacked the British garrison but Clive's foresight had saved the British artillery form the incessant rainfall. So Mir Madan had to face the music, he himself was injured. He was replaced with Mir Jafar, who later betrayed and joined forces with Clive. By five-o-clock in the evening Clive had captured Sirajudaulah who was later deported.

Mir Jafar was made the Nawab of Bengal but with limited power. In fact Battle of Plassey proved to be the very foundation stone for the mighty British Empire in India.

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