British : Sanyasi Vidroh

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East India Company | French | Plassey | Anglo-French | Dupleix | Bengal | Buxar | Warren Hastings | South | Permanent Settlement | Tipu | 18th Century | Anarchy | Anglo-Maratha | Revolts | Sanyasi Vidroh | Others Revolts
Sanyasis (ascetics) generally attacked hoards of grains or other foodstuffs, distributed the stuffs thus collected among the hungry peasants and poor laborers. During the great famine of 1769-70. These ascetics were the only means of survival for the ordinary Bengalis, who were devastated by the onslaught of mother nature on one side and robbed by the fury of the company & its pawns on the other side.

Thus the ascetic uprising grew in terms of popularity in Bengal, there was huge support for these fighting ascetics within the masses. Who joined this movement and gave it stability and strength. All those people who were responsible for various acts of atrocities, on innocent civilians, were kidnapped and killed. Thus grew a movement which was violent in nature but yet popular and had roots in the masses. During this famous uprising that the famous couplet Vande-Mataram (Hail the Motherland) was coined. This couplet went on to change the course of the Indian freedom struggle. The force & popularity of Vande-Mataram could be gauged by the fact that the British India government was forced to ban it.

So the great Sanyasi-Vidroh went on till 1800, but wasn't able to succeed in weeding away British & Muslim imperialists but for few moments it gave the ordinary Bengalis a ray of hope that they may ultimately succeed in changing the course of history. Still you could hear about the great Sanyasi Vidroh in various traditional Baul Geet (folk music of Bengal).

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee rekindled the glory of the Sanyasi Vidroh, through his famous novel Anandmath (published 1882), which later on became the Bible of Indian Freedom Struggle.

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