British : Bengal - Part I

Exact Match
  Indus Valley
  Mauryan Era
  Post Mauryan
  Kushana Era
  Golden Age
  Post Gupta

  Arab Invasion
  South India
  Prithviraj Era
  Delhi Sultunate
  Mughal Period
  Maratha Era
  British Period

  Subhash & INA

East India Company | French | Plassey | Anglo-French | Dupleix | Bengal | Buxar | Warren Hastings | South | Permanent Settlement | Tipu | 18th Century | Anarchy | Anglo-Maratha | Revolts | Sanyasi Vidroh | Others Revolts
Bengal was still ruled by Mughal viceroys or subedars, now named Nawabs (na'ib means deputy). While the empire at Delhi was very weak, the system went on in Bihar and Bengal and an annual monetary tribute was regularly despatched. Since 1740 the ruler of Bengal had been the virtually self-appointed Alivardi Khan. He regarded the European merchants with a mixture of suspicion and wariness, and maintained a running controversy with them over dues, privileges, and the interpretation of Mughal farmans. But though he seemed outwardly strong his position had elements of weakness. He headed a Muslim aristocracy in a Hindu countryside. He lacked the recruits from up-country necessary to maintain an army in an unwarlike area. He was increasingly dependent on Hindu bankers and entrepreneurs for his administration. The aristocracy itself was divided, lacking in morale and fresh recruits.

Alivardi died in April 1756 and was succeeded by his grandson Siraj-ud-daula, a twenty year old youth. He was irresolute and obstinate; he was beset by crises from the moment of his accession. He found himself as the ruler of a independent state, because the Delhi government had been ruined by Afghans and Marathas.

Two relatives opposed his accession and Hindu notables were becoming increasingly restless under a Muslim minority government. Further, the English and French companies were palpably preparing for a renewal of hostilities between themselves. The English Company, for its part, had a considerable stake in Bengal by this time. So when the seven years war was approaching Europe both sides began fortification of their resources. The French desisted from this on Alivardi Khan's insistence, but the English continued. This arose Nawab's suspicion which resulted in Nawab marching into Fort Williams (Calcutta) along with his troops. As luck had it British troops had just arrived in Madras to take on de Bussy's French army. So British troops lead by Robert Clive proceeded towards Calcutta, it was retaken in January 1757 and the Nawab brought to peace and an alliance in February.


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