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Population of India throughout the ages

Tentative calculations have been made of the population of the sub-continent during various periods, but these remain largely conjectural. An estimate suggested for the sub-continent at the end of the fourth century B.C. is 181 million. This estimate is based partly on the size of the Indian army as described in Greek sources when referring to the campaign of Alexander of Macedonia in northern India.

It is possible of course that Greek writers exaggerated the figures to demonstrate to their readers the formidable military strength which Alexander would have had to face had he pursued his campaign into the Ganges valley. The estimate of 181 million appears to be rather high: a figure of about 100 million or less for the early period might be more credible. An estimate for the early seventeenth century is 100 million.

The first census of the British Indian administration covering the entire sub-continent carried out in 1881 put the population at a little over 253 million.

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