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Golden ants

During the 3rd and 4th century, it is said that there used to be large size ants which were just shorter than a dog but larger than a jackal, in the desert of Thar. They used to dig deep into the desert land to build their colonies and thus bring out the gold particles embedded in the sand beneath.

These ants were really deadly and could even kill a human being. They used to come out of their place only during evening and night. Thus, the warrior clans which inhabited these desert used to venture there to fetch the gold only during mid-day.

Gigantic Lizards

During the reign of Aurangzeb (17th century), the deccan was inhabited by massive sized lizards which were so big that a human adult could easily ride them. These lizards were thus tamed and even Shivaji is said to have used an army of such lizards to climb the high walls of the enemy forts.

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