Khajuraho : History - Part I

Exact Match
  The Temples
  Chausath-yogini   temple

  Lalguan-   Mahadeva

  Matangeshvara   Temple

  Varaha temple

  Parvati Temple

  Lakshamana   Temple

  Vishvanath   Temple

  Nandi Shrine

  Chitragupta   Temple

  Jagadambi   Temple

  Kandariya   Mahadeva

  Brahma Temple

  Vamana Temple

  Ghantai Temple

  Duladeo Temple

  Chaturbhuja   Temple
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ancient temple at Khajuraho The tract around Khajuraho was known during the ancient times as Vatsa, in medieval times as Jejakabhukti, and since the fourteenth century as Bundelkhand.

In the cultural sphere, this region played a significant role in Indian History from circa.200 B.C. and witnessed a remarkable efflorescence of sculptural and architectural arts during the Sunga period, with Bharhut as the centre, and again during the Gupta times, with leading center's at Bhumara, Khoh, Nachna and Deogarh.

The Parvati temple at Nachna, the Shiva temple at Bhumara and the Dasavatara temple at Deogarh form significant stages in the evolution of Gupta architecture. The somewhat later Chaturmukha-Mahadeva temple at Nachna, one of the earliest shikara temple of North India, is even more important and constitutes a landmark in architecture, marking the transition between the Gupta and the medieval temple styles.

The building-tradition was continued by the Imperial Pratiharas (8th to 10th century), who left in this region two of their finest temples, viz. the JaraiMata temple at Barwasagar, Distt. Jhansi, and the Sun temple at Mankhera, District Tikamgarh, both assignable to circa 9th century.

This was the architectural background of the Land where the Chandellas rose during the early tenth century as a strong central Indian power with one of their capitals at Khajuraho.
Abu-Rihan al-Biruni, who visited India with Mahmud of Ghazni in the early eleventh century, speaks of the realm of Jejhuti with Khajuraho as its capital.

The Chandellas decorated their realm with tanks, forts, palaces & temples, which were mainly concentrated in their strongholds of Mahoba (ancient Mahotsava-Nagara), Kalinjar and Ajaygarh (Jaipura-Durga) and, to a lesser extent in their towns of Dudhai, Chandpur, Madanpur and Devgarh in District Jhansi.

But none of these places should be compared in magnificence with Khajuraho (ancient Kharjjuravahaka), which was adoned by the Chandellas with numerous tanks and scores of lofty temples, each lying with the other in sculptutal grace and architectural splendour. According to local tradition, the place had originally 85 temples, but only 25 now stand in varying stages of preservation.


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