Matangesvara temple Each such projection also shows a prominent niche, which is another distinguished feature of the local Brahma temple, this temple anticipates the compositional arrangement of the Mandapa-roofs of the developed Khajuraho temples. Its pillars , however are plain and the ceiling, formed of overlapping concentric courses, shows elementary ornaments of cusps (Kola course) and floral cusps (gajatalu courses) without any attempt at elegance or elaboration. Since both its exterior and interior are almost plain and devoid of the exuberant sculptured and carved ornamentation, which came to be a hallmark of the developed Khajuraho style, there is no doubt that this is one of the developed Khajuraho style, there is no doubt that this is one of the earliest temples of Khajuraho , assignable to circa.900-925. This temple, situated immediately to the south-west of the Visvanatha, is a heavily-restored small shrine, originally comprising a sanctum and porch. The porch is completely lost and of the sanctum, only the plinth has survived. The doorway belongs to a Vaishnava shrine as is indicated by a Vishnu figure on the middle of the lintel, while the image in the sanctum represents Gauri with the godha (iguana) as her vehicle. Near it , facing the main road , is a hundred-year old temple built by a Maharaja of Chhatarpur. Continue...... |
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