Varaha temple The serpent Seshanag is pedestal which also preserves the feet of the broken figure of the earth goddess (Prithvi). Its flat ceiling is carved with an exquisite design of lotus flower in relief. The shrine is built entirely of sandstone. It is obviously later than the Brahma and Lalguan-Mahadeva temples, which belong to the phase of transition between granite and sandstone, and is assignable to circa.900-925. Lalguan-Mahadeva templeThis temple, situated 803 m west of the Chausath-yogini , is built on the bank of an old lake, called Lalguan-sagar. It is a structure of modest size and design roofed by a dilapidated pyramidal superstructure of receding tiers of Pidhas. Its entrance-porch has completely disappeared and the doorway is plain but for a diamond carved on the door-sill. As this temple shares the plan and design with the Brahama temple and like it belongs to the transitional phase when sandstone was introduced but granite had not ceased to be used, it is slightly later than the Chausath yogini and is datable to circa.900.
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