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Satvahanas | Shakas | Kushanas & Kanishka | Rudradaman | Christianity

The successors of Kanishka ruled for a hundred and fifty years, but Kushana power gradually diminished. Events in Persia were once again to intervene in the history of north western India. In A.D. 226 Ardashir overthrew the Parthians and established Sassanian ascendancy. His successor conquered Peshawar and Taxila in the mid third century and the Kushana kings were reduced to subsidiaries of the Sassanians.

The coming of the Kushanas had pushed the Shakas south into the region of Cutch, Kathiawar, and Malwa in western India. Here they dramatically burst into the Indian political scene in the mid second century under Rudradaman. With the weakening of Kushana power after the death of Kanishka, the Shakas once more asserted themselves. Rudradaman came from the region of Cutch. At Junagarh a lengthy inscription (the earliest of any importance in Sanskrit) provides evidence of his deeds. The inscription dated in A.D. 150 records the repairing of the Mauryan dam and refers in eulogistic terms to Rudradaman's conquest in the Narmada valley, his campaigns against the Satavahana king (south of the Narmada), and his victory over the Yaudheya tribes in Rajasthan.

After the death of Rudradaman, the Shakas lapsed into political quietude until the closing years of the fourth century A.D.

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