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It was during the first century A.D. that another religion , Christianity, entered India by way of the trading ships from the West. The coming of Christianity is associated with the legend of St. Thomas, who, according to the Catholic Church of Edessa, came twice on missions to India. The first took him to the north-west to the Parthian king Gondophernes, but this is open to doubt. The story of the second mission appears to be more credible. St. Thomas is said to have arrived in Malabar in about A.D. 52. After establishing a number of Syrian churches along the coast, he traveled overland to the east coast to a place near Madras city, subsequently called Betha Thuma where he began to preach. But here his preaching of a new religion was strongly opposed and he was killed in A.D. 68 at Mylapore in the vicinity of Madras. The Syrian church survives in strength in the region of Malabar and may well have been founded in the first century A.D. Considering the frequent communication between the Mediterranean world and south India during this century, it is not beyond belief that one of the disciples of Christ came to India to preach Christianity. The end of this section |
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