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Rassundari Devi

Rassundari Devi (c 1809-?), a Bengali Woman, wrote a story of her life, Amar Jiban ("My Life"), that was published in 1876. This detailed memoir revolves around her day to day experiences as a housewife and mother. Obsessed with a desire to read, she stole a page from a book and a sheet of paper from her son and kept them hidden in the kitchen where she furtively pursued her education.

This is the first autobiography written in Bengali and it is rich in details of the period when reformers were attempting to change the lives of woman. When Rassundari Devi was finally able to write about her own struggle to master simple reading, she commented!". These days parents of a single girl take so much care to educate her. But we had to struggle so much just for that".

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