End of terrorism

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Home | Akali Politics and Militancy | Terrorism in Punjab | Indira's attitude | Operation Bluestar | Rajiv - Longowal accord | End of terrorism

Despite President’s Rule, terrorism in Punjab went on growing, going through phases of waning and resurgence, especially as after 1985 it had begun to be openly funded, supported and even directed by Pakistan.

The policy of ‘solving’ the Punjab problem through negotiations with and ‘appeasement’ of the terrorists and extreme communalists was followed even more vigorously by the governments of V.P. Singh and Chandra Shekhar during 1990 and 1991. In the meanwhile the number of the victims of terrorism went on increasing.

The state did finally take strong action. A preview of such action was the Operation Black Thunder, undertaken by the Punjab police and paramilitary forces in May 1988, which succeeded in flushing out the terrorists from the Golden Temple.

A hard policy toward terrorism was followed from mid-1991 onwards by Narasimha Rao government at the Centre and after the February 1992 elections by the Congress government led by Beant Singh in Punjab. The police, often aided by the rural people, became increasingly effective though a large number of policemen—over 1550 from 1988 to 1992 alone—lost their lives in its operations. By 1993, Punjab had been virtually freed of terrorism.

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