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Bharata Natyam has two connotations - first where Bharata is considered to be the name of a sage scholar, Bharata to whom is attributed the first comprehensive treatise on theatre, music and dance namely the Bharata natye shashtra. The second connotation breaks up the word Bharata into three syllables. Bha for Bhava (emotions) and Ra for Raga (music) and Ta for Tala (rhythm). The term Natyam refers to theatre. Today the word BharataNatyam connotes a classical dance system belonging to the southern states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. During the 17th ,18th and 19th century, it was also known as Sadir and Dasi attam. The first item in the traditional and classical BharataNatyam recital must start by saluting and impressing the lord of dance, an item called Alarippu. The movement of the eyebrows, eyes, neck, shoulders, arms and the feet are executed in the rhythmic succession and at the end the whole body dances in harmony making the recital divided according to these forms. The movements of this dance style are developed from a basic pose, in which the thighs are turned outward, the knees are flexed, and the feet are close together and are also turned outward. The feet beat out complex rhythms. Performances may last for about two hours and follow a set list of procedures. Bharatanatyam can be completely detached and abstract pictorial description or it may interpret song, moods and meaning . Then there is a legend of Nritta (pure rhythmic movement) and Nritya meaning of the abstract and emotional. The Nritta or the abstract part of the Bharatanatyam is built up by interweaving different basic movements of legs and feet. The scope and range of the expressiveness of the Bharatanatyam is enormous. Aesthetically a more exhaustive form of art is hard to realize. |
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