Jainism : Continued

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Other members of the Jain community are the laity (people who are not monks or nuns). They assist the monks and nuns to live out their vows perfectly. Lay Jains can undertake business and other activities, while attempting to fulfil their religious vows as best they can.

Jains vow not to kill any living creature. Monks and nuns carry brooms to sweep all surfaces to avoid crushing insects accidentally. The vow of ahimsa, or non-violence, has always been important to Jains. They keep to a vegetarian diet, and only do work which avoids any form of killing. Ahimsa for Jains requires positive acts of kindness, compassion, and charity. In India Jains use their wealth to set up and run hospitals and clinics for both humans and animals. They also establish schools and colleges, resthouses, and almshouses for people of all castes and creeds.

Wealthy Jains have made major contributions to education and the arts in India. Jain temples are among some of the most beautiful in India. These temples are often the focus of pilgrimages, particularly in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Karnataka in western India.

Fasting until death.
Jains have an unusual attitude to death. A devout Jain who feels ready for death takes the vow of sallekhana. Supervised by monks and nuns, he or she meets death through a controlled process of fasting.

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