Buddhism : Continued

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Buddhist images.
Buddhists have images of Gautama and other Buddhas in their homes and temples, as a reminder of these teachers' lives and teachings. They show their respect by making offerings such as flowers, incense, and light in front of the image. These offerings remind Buddhists of impermanence (the delicacy and fragility of flowers), the way in which the dharma can penetrate the whole world (like incense pervading the air), and the illumination of the Buddha's life and teaching in the world (a lighted candle).

Buddhists meditate in ways that are appropriate to their character and stage along the path. The aim of Buddhist meditation is to understand the truth about the way things are. Different Buddhist groups use slightly different methods, but all emphasize that it is important for a person to have a meditation teacher. One important kind of meditation is samatha, or calming, which relaxes and calms the mind. It may also depend on the body being relaxed, which is why Buddhists often meditate sitting in a lotus posture.

Another kind of meditation, which is possible once the mind is calm, develops clear insight into inner thoughts and emotions. This is called vipassana, which means insight or clarity. There is also an emphasis on mindfulness, a total awareness of the present moment, with no distractions. The aim is to be totally alert at all times and in all activities, not just in a quiet room during a meditation session. Another meditation emphasizes loving kindness, or metta, first of all in a person's own heart, and then flowing outward toward the whole world.

Buddhists go on pilgrimages to sites associated with Gautama Buddha, such as Bodh Gaya in Bihar, India, the place where he became enlightened. They also visit living Buddhist teachers such as the Dalai Lama.

Buddhists celebrate festivals linked with the Buddha's life, or with some great event in Buddhist history. Perhaps the most famous Buddhist festival is Wesak, or Vesakha-puja. In Sri Lanka, Burma, and Thailand this is an important annual festival during April and May. It celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha. Its name is taken from the name of the Sri Lankan month in which it takes place.


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