Famous Personalities of India : Tatya Tope
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TATYA TOPE or TANTIA TOPI (1814-1859). This was the popular name of Ramchandra Pandurang, a retainer of Peshwa Baji Rao II. Tatya Tope became famous for his exploits during the great Uprising or Mutiny of 1857 after Nana Saheb had been defeated by the British at Kanpur (Cawnpore). Tatya Tope tried, but failed, to recapture Kanpur. He took Gwalior fort, encouraged Rani Lakshini Bai of Jhansi. and called on the Marathas from all over the Deccan to rally against the British.

He and his small army used guerilla tactics against superior British forces, avoiding direct combat and evading pursuit. He was eventually captured, tried, and hanged in April 1859.

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