Famous Personalities of India : Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata
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J.R.D. Tata (1904-1994) inherited most of his grandfather Jamshedji's industrial empire but first became a pioneer in aviation. He was the first Indian pilot to qualify for a British private license in the 1920s, flew his own airplane long distances until late in his life, and founded an airline in 1932 that became known as Indian Airlines in 1953. Until 1978, J.R.D. Tata was Chairman of the state-owned Indian Airlines and international flag carrier, Air India.

His innovations in India's fledgling hotel and tourist industry as well as his contributions to scientific and technical research and corporate management gained public recognition from the Indian government. Privately, J.R.D. enjoyed the friendship of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi among many others, especially in India and Europe, where he spent many years as a youth.

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