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Jamshedji Nasarwanju Tata (1839-1904), the son of Jeejibhoy Jamshedji Tata, greatly expanded the business empire left by his father. He did much to develop India's cotton, power, and steel industries. He also donated money to set up the Indian Institute of Science at Bangalore. He was born at Navarsi, Gujarat.
Jamshedji Tata is perhaps best known for establishing India's first integrated, modem steel factory in Bihar, close to sources of both iron and coal, the new town that sprang up after 1907 took on his name and is known both as Jamshedpur and Tatanagar. Anticipating the need for Indian scientists, he and his sons, Sir Dorab Tata and Sir Ratan Tata, endowed the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore for fundamental research and advanced training, which continues to be a premier institution.
His son Jehangir Ratanji Dadabhoy Tata (1904-1993) became chairman of the Tata group of companies in the 1930's. He founded Tata Airlines in 1932, and became chairman and member of the board of Air India from 1946 to 1978.