Famous Personalities of India : Rani Laxmi Bai
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Rani Laxmi Bai Jhansi, Rani of (1835-1858), an Indian queen, became famous for her military leadership in the war of independence against the British in 1857. A memorial was erected to her at Gwalior in 1928.

She was born at Kashi (now Varanasi, in Uttar Pradesh) and was named Manutai. When she married Gangadhar, the raja (ruler) of Jhansi in 1842, she became rani (queen) and her name was changed to Lakshmibai. A son born in 1851 died after four months. In order to ensure that he would have a son to succeed him after his death, the raja adopted a boy. This adoption was originally approved by the British political agent but was later set aside by the British governor general, Lord Dalhousie. After the raja's death in 1853, the British took over his state and left his adopted son to inherit only the rani's private estate. The rani felt this was unjust. In 1857, she joined other rulers who were rebelling against British rule. She showed great bravery in battles against the British at Jhansi, Kalpi, and Gwalior. She was mortally wounded at Gwalior and died in June 1858.

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