Famous Personalities of India : Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
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Chatterjee, Bankim Chandra (1838-1894), was an Indian author who wrote the first modern novels in the Bengali language. The patriotism of his novels brought Bankim popularity with Indian nationalists.

Bankim initially wrote novels in English, but he made his name with Durgeshnandini (1865), a historical romance. It was the first Bengali novel to be written in the modern European style. In 1872, he founded a Bengali newspaper, Bangadarshan, in which some of his later novels were serialized. Many of Bankim's novels are romances with a domestic theme and an emphasis on traditional morality. They include Kapalkundala (1886), Krishnakanter Will (1878), Anandamath (1882), and Sitaram (1886). Despite their shortcomings, these novels were immensely popular and had a considerable influence on the development of Bengali literature.

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee was born on June 27, 1838 near Naihati, Bengal, in India. He was educated at Hooghly College and at Presidency College, Calcutta, and he was one of the first graduates of the University of Calcutta. He served as an official in the Indian civil service from 1858 to 1891.

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